2024-2025 Class Offerings
Below you will find a listing of our classes available for the 2024-2025 school year. All classes meet from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Infants and Toddlers
Ages 3 mos. to 23 mos.
M/T/W/Th/F - you may choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days
Flex 2s / Cubs
M-F 2s / Penguins
M-F 2s / Flamingos
Twelve students maximum/two teachers per class.
M/T/Th / Bees
M-F / Owls
M-F / Ducks
Fifteen students maximum/two teachers per class.
All of the 4s classes are designed to prepare for Kindergarten academics while continuing to emphasize creativity and experiential learning.
M-Th or M-F 4s / Clifford’s Crew
M-F 4s / Zebras
Sixteen students maximum/two teachers per class.
Older 4s & Pre-K/Young 5s
M-F/ Whales
Eighteen students/two teachers per class. The multi-level curriculum offers academic challenges to Older 4s and Pre-K/Young 5s, while being a developmentally focused enriching educational experience. Whole group, small group, and individual instruction are used, with an emphasis on social and emotional maturity, as well as academic preparation.
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