
About CEC

The Childhood Enrichment Center is housed within Christ United Methodist Church at 410 North Holden Road in Greensboro. The outstanding playground and spacious church grounds are utilized for outside activities, and the large gymnasium, chapel, and classrooms are inside. 

There are many exciting activities going on at the Childhood Enrichment Center. The children participate in field trips, monthly Chapel time, Music Enrichment, Creature Teacher, Movement classes, Art Appreciation, visits from local resource people and much more. In the spirit of community involvement and outreach, CEC students and families participate in a charitable fundraiser for Kids Path (Hospice care for children) each year. Parent involvement and suggestions are always welcome.   

Program Objectives

  • To give each child an opportunity to develop physically, socially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually to the best of their ability.

  • To promote Christian values and relate these values to the world around them.

  • To provide a warm accepting atmosphere in which the young child can develop a feeling of positive self-worth.

  • To help young children learn to live together happily and to function independently within a group and collectively as a member of a group.

  • To help young children develop their ability to express themselves through language, art, music, movement and other creative types of experience.

  • To provide opportunities, through play and real-life experiences, for young children to enrich their understanding of the world around them.

  • Our goal is to offer a developmentally appropriate learning center in a Christian atmosphere.

The Childhood Enrichment Center is open to all denominations and welcomes families looking for a church home to consider Christ United Methodist Church.